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Blood Donation Camp at ABSMARI

Blood is a precious and scarce resource. A single unit of blood can save 3 lives. Hospitals always fall short of this crucial asset especially during pandemic situations like COVID 19. By donating blood you not only save lives, but it also helps you in many ways like reduction of weight and improve fitness in healthy adults, Prevents hemochromatosis, Reduce heart disease risk, Enhance new blood cell production, Lower cancer risk, etc.

On the occasion of Our Founder & India’s First Individual Olympic Gold Medalist Mr. Abhinav A. Bindra’a Birthday and World Heart Day, the Department of Cardiopulmonary Science, ABSMARI organized a “Blood Donation Camp” in association with Capital Hospital Blood Bank, Bhubaneswar within the college premises at Utkal Signatures. A total of 50 people registered for the blood donation camp. The college Staff and Students have participated in the drive and expressed great satisfaction after donating blood.

Along with the blood donation camp, a “Poster Competition” was also organized for the students of ABSMARI. Institute’s Dean Dr. Joseph Oliver Raj and Principal Dr. Chinmaya Kumar Patra were also present throughout the event and interacted with the students and people who participated in the blood donation camp.

They have also encouraged the new generation of Physiotherapists by their deliberation on the “Importance of Physiotherapy in Cardio-pulmonary disorders”.

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